Changing The World,
One Heart At a time.

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Give Treatment To 1,195 Kidney Disease Patients

One Heart 4 Dialysis” is a heartfelt and compassionate initiative aimed at addressing a critical healthcare issue in Ghana. This cause is dedicated to raising funds to provide vital financial support to more than 1,195 kidney patients in Ghana who are burdened with the exorbitant costs of dialysis treatment.

In Ghana, kidney disease has become a growing health concern, affecting a substantial number of individuals who struggle to afford the life-saving dialysis treatment they need. “One Heart 4 Dialysis” seeks to alleviate the financial strain on these patients by covering 100% of their medical bills associated with dialysis. The initiative’s mission is rooted in the belief that every individual suffering from kidney disease deserves a fighting chance at life, regardless of their financial circumstances.


Of kidney patients are not on dialysis


of kidney patients are on dialysis treatment in ghana


shortage of nephrologists in ghana


Bid4Good is a groundbreaking charity auction platform that seamlessly merges philanthropy with excitement. Dedicated to making a positive impact, Bid4Good invites participants to bid on an array of donated items and experiences, transforming traditional fundraising into an engaging experience.

Our Value

Every Action Transforms A Life

Who We Are

The One Heart Cares International is a non-profit organization committed to improving the quality of life for Ghanaians by addressing the significant challenges of healthcare accessibility, low literacy rates, and poverty. Situated in a continent rife with health issues and socio-economic disparities, Africa, and Ghana in particular, faces a complex set of obstacles. While the Ghanaian government has made commendable efforts to reduce poverty, increase literacy rates, and provide quality healthcare, the progress has been slow, and many individuals still lack access to essential services. In response, One Heart Foundation has taken on the mission of bringing healthcare, education, and poverty alleviation initiatives to the forefront in Ghana.

Our Mission

The mission of the One Heart Foundation is to empower and uplift the people of Ghana by bridging gaps in healthcare accessibility, improving literacy rates, and alleviating poverty. Our aim is to create a more equitable and prosperous society where every individual can lead a healthy, educated, and fulfilling life.

Our Key Initiatives

Accessible Healthcare

One Heart Cares International recognizes that access to quality healthcare is a fundamental human right. In partnership with local healthcare providers and organizations, the foundation strives to improve healthcare access in underserved communities. This includes organizing medical camps, providing medical supplies, and supporting infrastructure development in healthcare facilities.

Literacy Enhancement

To address the issue of low literacy rates, the foundation employs innovative educational programs and resources. Special focus is given to reaching out to those with limited access to traditional educational institutions. These efforts aim to equip individuals with essential skills, including reading, writing, and numeracy, which are critical for personal growth and community development.

Poverty Alleviation

Poverty is a persistent challenge in Ghana. One Heart Cares International takes a multi-faceted approach to alleviating poverty, including skills training, microfinance initiatives, and support for income-generating activities. By empowering individuals and communities with economic opportunities, the foundation seeks to break the cycle of poverty.

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Together, we can build a brighter future for the people of Ghana.
Subscribe today and be a part of this inspiring journey.

Changing The World, One Heart At A Time

No One Has Ever Become Poor
By Giving

By giving you don’t just save a life, you become a Hero to many.


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Happy People Says

Shadrach Twumasi
Senior Events Manager

“I support One Heart Cares International because I’ve seen the difference they make. Their transparency and commitment to their mission are truly inspiring. Joining them in making a positive change has been a privilege.”

Ohemaa Ekua

“Volunteering with One Heart Cares International has been a life-changing experience. Working with this dedicated team and witnessing the impact of their programs firsthand has filled my heart with purpose.”

Chris Appiah
Account Manager

“Supporting One Heart Care International is more than a donation; it’s an investment in humanity. I’ve seen the direct impact of my contributions in the lives of those they help. Their commitment to transparency gives me confidence that every dollar is making a difference.”

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