A Cause For Good

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Raise Fund To Save Dialysis Patients

Over 90% of Ghanaians kidney failure patients who should receive dialysis are not getting it.

In Ghana, the overall dialysis prevalence is just 38.8 patients per million population. This rate falls far below the African average of 79 per million and the global average of 296 per million. Global estimates suggest that Ghana should have around 15,400 patients requiring dialysis. However, the current number of patients receiving dialysis is 1,195. This represents 7.8% of the estimated demand for life-saving treatment. The average cost of dialysis treatment at public centers stands at GHS566.59 per session. With a minimum wage for the average Ghanaian hovering around GHS654.75, the cost of dialysis treatment presents a staggering financial burden on patients.

Raised: GHS2166.00
Goal: GHS100M.00

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